A range of meetings was held with different stakeholders from Universitá degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy). Positive feedback. More info.
A range of meetings was held with different stakeholders from Universitá degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy). Positive feedback. More info.
In order to follow with discussions about the strategic partnership, a group of UFV representatives visited THUAS: Adriaan Kühn and Belén Navajas (Vice Rectorate of Internationalisation), José Peláez (Director of Business Degree), Pedro Gómez (Vice Dean of Internationalisation, Faculty of Communication), Jorge Acebes (Vice Dean ofInternationalisation, Faculty of Education) and Guillermo Graiño (International Coordinator, International Relations Degree).
Several meetings were held with different departments, in order to explore possibilities for future development.
Paul Nixon visited Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) to discuss the idea of strategic partnership. A range of meetings was held with different stakeholders.
A MoU is signed between both institutions. More info.
Paul Nixon and Rajal Rawash from The Hague University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) visited Universdad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid, Spain) in order to introduce the proposal of a new strategic partnership. Several meetings were held with the Vice Rectorate of Internationalisation and academics in the area of Business and Computer Engineering.