Dr. Susana Menéndez and Paul Nixon of THUAS visited Francisco de Vitoria University to discuss research potential between the two institutions. After a campus tour with the International team,meetings were arranged with several representatives of different research groups -including the Vice-Rector of Research- dealing with Quality of Life, Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy.
Farah Coppola of THUAS spent two “awesome weeks” in Brno, as a Communication Skills teacher. She worked with PhD students from all faculties, from Social Sciences to Medical to Econometricstudents. The topics of her workshops included: Pitch your PhD, Personal Branding, Networking and Public Speaking. F. Coppola said that it was a very challenging experience to be in an environment where it is not customary to have a lot of interaction in class, where students are used to lectures instead of workshops. However, students were eager to step out of their comfortzone and actively participate. It was a great experience which she would recommend to any lecturer at THUAS (or beyond)!
Jo Drummond Child,Barrister in Law (College of Business, Law & SocialScience, University of Derby) taught an updated version of the Criminal Practice & Law (EU Focus) elective course at the University of Masaryk (MUNI) (Brno, Czech Republic) under the Erasmus+ programme. https://is.muni.cz/predmet/law/jaro2019/MVV189K?lang=en (click for course information).
The course took place in the Department of Financial Law and Economics – Faculty of Law and involved eight interactive lectures. The students feedback was excellent and Jo delivered an additional session to discuss the impact of Brexit.
While in Brno, Jo had the opportunity to meet visiting Law Professors from other universities cooperating with MUNI and also met with wider staff from the university: Jan Pavlik, Director of the Centre for International Cooperation; Michal Radvan, Vice-dean for Foreign and External Affairs, E+ Dept. Coordinator. During Jo’s first visit to the University of Masaryk she was impressed by the facilities and all the lecturers, staff and students she had the opportunity to meet.