The Hague Network held a meeting on Friday 18 January. Richard Side (Derby University), Ivan Malý (Masaryk University), Kirsi Viskari (Tampere Universityof Applied Sciences), Alessandra Carucci (University of Cagliari), Rajash Rawal and Eveke de Louw (both The Hague University of Applied Sciences) had a virtual meeting to explore opportunities to strengthen our internationalization practices by learning from each other. Unfortunately, due some technical challenges insetting up a group call, we could not connect with Juan Pérez-Miranda and Belen Navajas (UFV Madrid) at the same time, so a separate Skype call was arranged with them.
The virtual meeting resulted in an inventory of challenges that we face in our institutions and the topics range from establishing ownership and engaging stakeholders to very practical issues of supporting academics in internationalizing curricula and recruiting international students. Our next step is to draft a common agenda of three challenges we all relate to and to arrange a working session in the spring/early summer. During this session we can present our current state of play, share good practices and create a roadmap for addressing the challenges together.