15 staff from The Hague University of Applied Sciences visited Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (31 Jan.- 1 Febr.). During two days professors and international staff from both universities interacted sharing good practices, experiences and evaluated future common projects. Degrees and UFV profs. involved: Education (J.Acebes), Business Administration (G.Arce and J.Peláez), Marketing (M.Tovar), Advertising (R.Caerols) and International Relations (G.Graíño).
In the photo: Henk Chin, Andrévan den Heuvel, Nora Daoud, Ruud Fortuin, Adela Garabal, Liselore Goossens, Pieter de Vos, Rafiya Scheltinga, Rosa Groen, Theo Bosma, Claudia Diers-Lienke, MariaMartina, Gijs Vermeulen, Paul Nixon, Gwen Klooster-Vois (from THUAS) with UFV representatives.