
Survey & Save the Date: Digital Teaching Community Day ***29.03.2023***

The cross-faculty e-didactics team wishes you a happy and healthy New Year. We hope that you have had an excellent start into 2023!

We would like to invite you to the first Digital Teaching Community Day (DTC-Day) at the HSRW! The event will be held online on 29 March 2023 (09:00 – 16:15).

To enhance the understanding of your needs, expertise and wishes regarding digital teaching, we would like to ask you to participate in a short survey, which will take no more than 10 minutes for 13 questions. The survey is open until 31.01.2023, while the results will be presented at the DTC-Day.

You can access the survey via the following link:

The DTC-Day offers a programme that contains inspiring keynotes and a panel discussion on digitally supported teaching and learning activities at the HSRW.

On the day, you will have the opportunity to exchange your experiences, best practice examples, and innovative teaching/learning concepts with participants. Moreover, you will also have the chance to build up networks/interest groups across faculties. Details of the program will follow at a later point.

If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions about the DTC-Day, please contact us at

We look forward to an exciting DTC-Day with you!

All the Best,

your cross-faculty e-didactics team;
Silke Gehrmann-Becker (FKU), Birte Heidkamp-Kergel (E-Learning Zentrum), Ramona Kirsch (FLS), Carmen Lewa (ZfQ), Lin Lin (FGÖ) and Naomi McLaughlan (FTB)

24 Ideas on How to use Digitization for Your Lectures

This year, instead of a virtual advent calendar, I have created a list of 24 ideas on how to use digitization for your lectures.

  1. Challenge your students with WebQuests; instruct your students to search for specific information on the Internet or assign a long-standing project that must be completed in several weeks.
  2. Produce your own Podcasts
  3. Provide opportunities for Global Digital Learning
  4. Create digital content with a team
  5. Produce videos for your lecture
  6. Utilize the resources provided by the E-Learning Zentrum at HSRW
  7. Make your own educational digital images
  8. Add a quiz to Moodle
  9. Participate in a digital enhancement course
  10. Create multimedia presentations; watch our learning bites here.
  11. Host digital games
  12. Personalize learning for students, by adding multimedia elements to your live- and online lectures
  13. Create a poll or survey in Moodle
  14. Optimize assessments using digital learning
  15. Collaborate with others in your field, to create digital content
  16. Book a consultation with me (
  17. Survey your students on how they may want to learn
  18. Research new digital teaching tools
  19. Create a library of video-based lectures, for future use
  20. Utilize the tools and information of the European Commission and its European Education Area
  21. Use and encourage the usage of various devices
  22. Test your students digitally and live during the lecture, by using tools such as Kahoot
  23. Update your existing digital teaching material
  24. Challenge students to produce a 30-second video of what they have learned in the lecture. They may perhaps even present it to their cohort or share it in Moodle.

Let me know how you are getting on!

I wish you a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!

Introduction to Video and Audio Production Workshops

After the successful opening of the video lab in May 2022 and reintroduction to the audio lab, we, the video and audio lab team, would love to invite you to participate in our upcoming workshop series.

Registration is open until 16 June 2022. To find out more and to book your space, please use the QR code below.

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!

“We empower Girls” – Podcast Project

Pupils from the comprehensive school Gesamtschule am Forstgarten in Kleve record their podcast "We empower girls" in the Faculty of Technology and Bionics. They are supported by Dr. Maryam Bolouri, research associate in the field of science communication, and Naomi McLaughlan, research associate for digitization in higher education.
The podcast project was set up in the school as part of the "We empower girls" project, of the children and youth foundation, in order to motivate girls to pursue typically male career paths. In their podcast, the eight students talk about trades and STEM courses, sometimes with guests and experts, guided by the school's social worker, Petra Bothorn.
The employees of the faculty support the schoolgirls, especially with the technical side, help them in the faculty's audio laboratory with the recordings and the subsequent editing, but also advise on various topics and how the podcast can best be marketed.